Fluticasone Ointment Suppliers

Fluticasone ointment suppliers are a valuable source for those seeking third party manufacturing facility for their PCD Derma Business. Fluticasone propionate is the active ingredient in this type of medication, which is a corticosteroid. It is available in various strengths and forms, such as cream, lotion or ointment. A.S. Lifesciences provide customers with an up-to-date list of products containing fluticasone propionate. We also offer counter products to treat adverse side effects associated with this steroid-based medication. In addition to providing current information on fluticasone propionate medications, suppliers also provide educational materials about the different strengths and uses of these products.

Fluticasone ointment suppliers are a valuable source for those seeking third party manufacturing facility for their PCD Derma Business. Fluticasone propionate is the active ingredient in this type of medication, which is a corticosteroid. It is available in various strengths and forms, such as cream, lotion or ointment. A.S. Lifesciences provide customers with an up-to-date list of products containing fluticasone propionate. We also offer counter products to treat adverse side effects associated with this steroid-based medication. In addition to providing current information on fluticasone propionate medications, suppliers also provide educational materials about the different strengths and uses of these products.

Fluticasone ointment is typically used to treat certain skin allergy symptoms and some other medical conditions. Individuals should always consult their medical provider prior to using this drug, as there are risks associated with it, depending on existing conditions or allergies. It is important for individuals to be aware of the potential side effects associated with fluticasone ointment, including dry skin and irritation at the application site.

A.S. Lifesciences as Fluticasone ointment suppliers offer a range of creams containing fusidic acid and sodium fusidate, as well as cutivate cream. All of these products are topical corticosteroids formulated for the treatment of skin diseases. The invention contains a waxy material that is used as a base for the cream and also serves to protect it from moisture. The medium range consists of fluticasone propionate, which is an effective steroid that helps reduce inflammation and itching in the skin. Fluticasone propionate is combined with other steroids such as propionate, which help reduce side effects associated with corticosteroid use. Fluticasone ointment suppliers provide pharmacies with these creams in varying strengths so that patients can get relief from their skin conditions quickly and effectively.

Company Name – A.S. Lifesciences

Phone No. – +91-9999912659

Email Id – aslifesciences@yahoo.com  | sales.aspharma@gmail.com

Address – Plot no- 136 , Industrial Estate- Kutana , Rohtak-124001 , Haryana (India).

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